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Craig Hockenberry: Faith Advisory, Aligning Partnerships

Craig Hockenberry: Faith Advisory, Aligning Partnerships

When I was named Superintendent of Schools at Three Rivers I was pretty well experienced with bringing together partnerships to work with schools, however one of the challenges I faced at 3Rivers was all the different churches in the district and near the district that all wanted to do something, but we had no alignment. Each group was doing something and duplicating almost everything.

As a result, during my second year as the leader of the district I put together a “Faith Advisory Committee”. I created dates and times for the meeting, invitations, and agendas that were perfectly aligned to the core values of faith based organizations. When the date came for the first meeting I was expecting two priests, however Craig Hockenberry was surprised when eleven church leaders showed-up!

This started a quarterly engagement meeting that grew to as many as fifteen and even sometimes over 20 people attending the meeting. We covered updates from each faith-based organization, school finances, academics, social issues, and much needed support. CLICK HERE

We also had the chance to build amazing relationships which grew into those type of partnerships that anytime we needed something our Faith-Based Team showed up to support. These meetings became my most productive meetings and leading them was much easier than others as you could feel the amazing support and kindness in the room.


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